Tuesday, August 6, 2013

July 29, 2013 - Still here!!

Hey Mom and Dad!!

That sounds like you guys had a pretty sweet 24th of july!  My companion is from Utah too so we celebrated it kind of too! We didn´t really do anything but we talked about it.  Thats super cool Elder Holland came! Seriously that would have been so cool to see.  I wish I could have been there to see him.  I was thinking about that parade and how I used to decorate my bike and ride in it.  So Weston gave his homecoming talk? Thats super sweet!! It will be cool to try to talk to him in spanish because mexican spanish is kind of different than the spanish here.  Here in Argentina they use different phrases and words sometimes. 

Thats cool Mike Mclaws is coming over tonight to see you guys.  I just gave him something little to give you guys because I figured if he is anything like me he was probably hurting for room in his suitcases but I just got a little something for you guys. Don´t expect anything big.  Tell him hi for me if you can!  

Well this week has been kind of crazy but good.  This last tuesday we had our district meetings and its weird because I am the oldest timewise in the mission so everyone kind of looks to me for the answers.  Its kind of funny how that works.  Its alright though.  Also this week we did some intercambios and I went to an area called Guernica for a day.  I went with an elder from Chile named Elder Colivoro.  It was a nice and chill intercambio.   Elder Colivoro is just starting his mission and is on his 3rd transfer.  Its weird I am starting to reflect a lot more on mission and stuff now and man I can´t believe how fast time has gone.  I remember when I did intercambios with my zone leader when I had about his time and thinking that my zone leader knew everything. I still don´t feel like I know everything or even close haha.  

This saturday was pretty sweet because we had 2 baptisms!!! I was super excited for it too.  We baptized a 38 year old lady named Beatriz, it was her birthday, and her son named Lautaro.  We set their baptismal date like a month or so ago and they made it! It always cool to see them make the change and get baptized.  Luckily the baptism went pretty well and we had a handfull of people come which was sweet.  I think the water was kind of cold but  here in Argentina everything starts like 30 minutes to an hour late always and so the water sat for a little bit and got cold.  Then after the baptism we ate some cake to celebrate Beatriz´s birthday.  She is just a little older than Jenny.

Then yesterday we had their confirmations which always worrys me but they got there early and were really excited.  Then during sacrement meeting I gave a talk! It was pretty sweet.  Last week though the audio stuff caught on fire so I had to give my talk without a microphone so I just had to talk kind of loud.  The clock was kind of slow in the sacrement room and the bishop turns to me and is like there is a lot of time left kind of like saying can you talk for awhile?  I was like I can talk for 20 minutes so I gave my talk and it last for 21 minutes (I timed it).  But since the clock was off I think I talked a little bit over the time. oh well! I felt pretty good on my talk and I felt like I prepared really well for it so when it came to talk it really wasn´t that hard.  That was my second talk here in Alejandro Korn.  I was a little nervous but not too bad and when I started talking it wasn´t too bad. I just hope they can understand my spanish and everything haha.  Its going to be weird giving a talk in English I think.  It will be interesting to see how that goes.

Today we had a pretty chill p day.  We went to go shopping and it was kind of a bust because we couldn´t find anything we were looking for. Its kind of hard to find stuff in my area because its semi country out here and so there isn´t a ton of stuff.  We´ll keep looking.  They we just came back to the pension and took a well needed nap.  It felt good.  

But wow can you believe only 10 more weeks? Thats nuts!  I can count my weeks on my hands.  Wow thats so weird to think about. I feel like i am always going to be here in Argentina. I am going to miss it a lot when I leave. Its all good though.  But I hope that you guys are doing well!!  I love and miss you guys a ton! I keep having dreams where i am already home! Its super weird.  Well I hope you have a good week and I will talk to you in a week! :D

con amor x 178 zillion,

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